
Born in Japan, Chizuru Morii Kaplan lives and works in New York City. She studied Architectural and Interior Design in Tokyo and worked as a freelance architectural renderer for over 25 years in Tokyo, Chicago and New York for renowned clients such as I.M. Pei, Edward Larrabee Barnes, Junzo Sakakura Assoc. and Antonio Raymond Assoc.

She began studying watercolor at the Art Student League of NY under Paul Ching-Bor in 2007 and soon after exhibited in New York City at the National Arts Club Gallery, the Salmagundi Club, the Phyllis Harriman Mason Gallery and the Springfield Art Museum in Springfield, MO. An award-winning artist, she received a grant to study in Paris at the Paris-American Academy.

Her works and articles are published in the books, SPLASH The Best of Watercolor 13, 14 &16 (North Light Books, 2012, 2013 and 2015), The Artist’s Magazine (Sept. 2012) and feature articles in Watercolor Artist Magazine (Dec. 2012 and Oct. 2014). She is a signature member of the Watercolor USA Honor Society, the Northeast Watercolor Society and an elected member of Allied Artists of America.